ScienceDaily Health Headlines
for Friday, June 24, 2011
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Slow growth of childhood brain tumors linked to genetic process seen in skin moles (June 24, 2011) -- Researchers have found a likely explanation for the slow growth of the most common childhood brain tumor, pilocytic astrocytoma. Using tests on a new cell-based model of the tumor, they concluded that the initial process of tumor formation switches on a growth-braking tumor-suppressor gene, in a process similar to that seen in skin moles. ... > full story
Potential new approaches to treat myelofibrosis (June 24, 2011) -- A new study sheds light on a possible new approach to treat the bone marrow disease known as myelofibrosis by inhibiting an enzyme that connects extracellular fibers. ... > full story
No two strands are alike: New mechanism for elongation of viral genome termini (June 24, 2011) -- Like bacteria, viruses have their own genome. The ends or termini of a viral RNA are especially interesting for virologists because they play an important role in reproduction and in the reaction of the innate immune system to the virus. The genetic information is reproduced when a strand of the genome is transcribed into a complementary strand of the so-called antigenome. This strand then serves as the model or template for the synthesis of a new genome. ... > full story
To fix diabetic nerve damage, blood vessels and support cells may be the real targets of treatment (June 24, 2011) -- Blood vessels and supporting cells appear to be pivotal partners in repairing nerves ravaged by diabetic neuropathy, and nurturing their partnership with nerve cells might make the difference between success and failure in experimental efforts to regrow damaged nerves, researchers report in a new study. ... > full story
Even in flies, enriched learning drives need for sleep, study finds (June 24, 2011) -- Just like human teenagers, fruit flies that spend a day buzzing around the "fly mall" with their companions need more sleep. That's because the environment makes their brain circuits grow dense new synapses and they need sleep to dial back the energy needs of their stimulated brains, according to a new study by sleep researchers. ... > full story
Computational software provides rapid identification of disease-causing gene variations (June 24, 2011) -- Scientists have developed a new software tool called VAAST, the Variant Annotation, Analysis and Selection Tool -- a probabilistic disease-causing mutation finder for individual human genomes. ... > full story
Planning is key to a healthy and happy retirement, studies find (June 24, 2011) -- For many older adults, chronic health problems and poor planning often hinder the enjoyment of retirement. Now, a researcher has found that planning for changes in lifestyle and health leads to better retirement for married couples. According to the studies, couples should plan for retirement, both financially and socially and consider the changes that may occur in their relationships and day-to-day activities. Communication with each other and family members makes it easier for couples to adjust. ... > full story
A step toward controlling Huntington's disease? Potential new way of blocking activity of gene that causes HD (June 23, 2011) -- Researchers have identified a natural mechanism that might one day be used to block the expression of the mutated gene known to cause Huntington's disease. Their experiments offer not an immediate cure, but a potential new approach to stopping or even preventing the development of this relentless neurodegenerative disorder. ... > full story
Long-term inhaled corticosteroid use increases fracture risk in lung disease patients, study finds (June 23, 2011) -- Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who use inhaled corticosteroids to improve breathing for more than six months have a 27 percent increased risk of bone fractures, new research suggests. ... > full story
Smartphone app helps you find friends in a crowd (June 23, 2011) -- Can a smartphone app enable meaningful, face-to-face conversation? Engineers are trying to find out, with software that helps people locate their friends in a crowd -- and make new friends who share similar interests. ... > full story
Policies that promote healthy eating, activity and sleep are needed to curb obesity in infants, toddlers and preschoolers (June 23, 2011) -- Limiting television and other media use, encouraging infants and young children in preschool and child care to spend more time in physically active play, and requiring child care providers to promote healthy sleeping practices are some of the actions needed to curb high rates of obesity among America's youngest children, says a new report. ... > full story
Sleep switch found in fruit flies (June 23, 2011) -- Rather than count sheep, drink warm milk or listen to soothing music, many insomniacs probably wish for a switch they could flick to put themselves to sleep. Scientists have discovered such a switch in the brains of fruit flies. ... > full story
Who goes there? Novel complex senses viral infection (June 23, 2011) -- Scientists have identified a novel sensor that is necessary to activate the immune response to viral infection. The research enhances our understanding of the complex and overlapping mechanisms our immune cells use to thwart infection. ... > full story
Large numbers of birth defects seen near mountaintop mining operations (June 23, 2011) -- Birth defects are significantly more common in areas of mountaintop coal mining and are on the rise as the practice becomes more common, according to a new study. ... > full story
Hereditary colon cancer syndrome marked by abnormally dense blood vessel growth in mouth (June 23, 2011) -- Researchers have found that a hereditary colon cancer syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis, is associated with abnormally dense blood vessel growth in the skin lining the mouth. ... > full story
Deadly drugged driving: Drug use tied to fatal car crashes (June 23, 2011) -- It's well known that drunk driving can have fatal consequences, but a new study suggests that alcohol is not the only drug that's a danger on the road. Researchers found that of US drivers who died in a crash, about 25 percent tested positive for drugs. The most common drugs were marijuana and stimulants, including cocaine and amphetamines. ... > full story
Hybrid Leishmania parasites on the loose (June 23, 2011) -- What we anxiously fear in the influenza virus – a cross between two strains, resulting in a new variant we have no resistance against – has occurred in another pathogen, the Leishmania parasite. The new hybrid species might not be more dangerous than their parents, but it’s too early to know. ... > full story
Cautionary tale for people with diabetes: Dog consumed part of a sleeping patient's toe (June 23, 2011) -- In a case study that illustrates the need for people with diabetes to be cautious of foot injuries and to protect themselves from pets, a woman with numbness in her feet caused by diabetic neuropathy slept through a traumatic episode in which her Jack Russell terrier chewed off part of her slightly infected big toe, according to a new article. ... > full story
Youth cybercrime linked to friends' influence (June 23, 2011) -- Peer influence and low self-control appear to be the major factors fueling juvenile cybercrime such as computer hacking and online bullying, according to a new study. ... > full story
Speed of brain signals clocked: New studies illuminate brain's complex neurotransmission machinery (June 23, 2011) -- Scientists have uncovered surprising details about the complex process that leads to the flow of neurotransmitters between brain neurons -- a dance of chemical messages so delicate that missteps often lead to neurological dysfunction. ... > full story
Influenza vaccination during pregnancy protects newborns, study suggests (June 23, 2011) -- Infants born to mothers who received the influenza (flu) vaccine while pregnant are nearly 50 percent less likely to be hospitalized for the flu than infants born to mothers who did not receive the vaccine while pregnant, according to a new study. ... > full story
Obese dieters' brain chemistry works against their weight-loss efforts (June 23, 2011) -- When obese individuals reduce their food intake too drastically, their bodies appear to resist their weight loss efforts, new research shows. The researcher particularly cautions against beginning a diet with a fast or cleansing day, which appears to trigger significant alterations in the immune system that work against weight loss. ... > full story
Science education: U.S. report recommends ways to improve K-12 STEM education, calls on policymakers (June 23, 2011) -- State, national and local policymakers should elevate science education in grades K-12 to the same level of importance as reading and mathematics, says a new report from the U.S. National Research Council. The report recommends ways that leaders at all levels can improve K-12 education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. ... > full story
New biomarker may help with early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (June 23, 2011) -- A new biomarker may help identify which people with mild memory deficits will go on to develop Alzheimer's disease, according to a new study. The biomarker may be more accurate than the currently established biomarkers. ... > full story
New technique yields troves of information from nanoscale bone samples (June 23, 2011) -- A new technique allows researchers to collect large amounts of biochemical information from nanoscale bone samples. Along with adding important new insights into the fight against osteoporosis, this innovation opens up an entirely new proteomics-based approach to analyzing bone quality. It could even aid the archeological and forensic study of human skeletons. ... > full story
Blood pressure changes are age-related, study finds (June 23, 2011) -- The main causes of increases in blood pressure over a lifetime are modifiable and could be targeted to help prevent cardiovascular disease, new research shows. ... > full story
Stress in the city: Brain activity and biology behind mood disorders of urbanites (June 23, 2011) -- Being born and raised in a major urban area is associated with greater lifetime risk for anxiety and mood disorders. Until now, the biology for these associations had not been described. A new study shows that two distinct brain regions that regulate emotion and stress are affected by city living. ... > full story
Scientists accurately predict age with saliva sample (June 23, 2011) -- Self-conscious about your age? Careful where you spit. Geneticists now can use saliva to reveal how old you are. The findings suggest a myriad of potential applications, including the development of a new forensic tool for pinpointing a suspect's age in crime-scene investigations. ... > full story
Current strategy for medicating patients may be giving many drug-resistant diseases a big competitive advantage (June 23, 2011) -- In the war between drugs and drug-resistant diseases, the current strategy for medicating patients may be giving many drug-resistant diseases a big competitive advantage, according to a new article. The paper argues for new research efforts to discover effective ways for managing the evolution and slowing the spread of drug-resistant disease organisms. ... > full story
Reasons for dramatic rise in cesarean births identified (June 23, 2011) -- In one of the first studies to examine the reasons for the rising number of women delivering their babies by cesarean section, researchers found that while half of the increase was attributable to a rise in repeat cesarean delivery in women with a prior cesarean birth, an equal proportion was due to a rise in first time cesarean delivery. Among these deliveries, factors such as slowly progressing labor and fetal heart rate concerns were the largest contributors. ... > full story
Psychologists find link between ovulation and women's ability to identify heterosexual men (June 23, 2011) -- A woman can more accurately identify a man's sexual orientation when looking at his face, when she is closest to her time of peak ovulation, psychologists show. Further, having romantic thoughts or a mating goal heightens a woman's ability to discriminate between straight and gay men. ... > full story
Breakthrough in treatment of hepatitis C (June 23, 2011) -- The drug telaprevir (Incivek) provides a dramatic improvement in the treatment of the most common form of hepatitis C infection, says an international team of investigators. ... > full story
Tracking down motion perception (June 23, 2011) -- Neurobiologists have determined the number of circuits needed to see movements. Researchers are only beginning to grasp the complexity of the nerve cell circuits necessary to perceive motion. ... > full story
Hospitalizing children with normal CT scans after blunt head trauma is not necessary, study suggests (June 23, 2011) -- A large, national multicenter study of thousands of children taken to emergency departments with minor blunt head trauma has found that most of those with normal computed tomography scans do not require hospitalization for further observation. ... > full story
Gay, lesbian, bisexual youth bullied, abused more often than peers (June 23, 2011) -- Young people who identify themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual, experience same-sex attractions or engage in same-sex sexual behaviors are more likely to experience sexual abuse, parental physical abuse and bullying from peers than other youth, according to a new study. In addition, the meta-analysis found these adolescents were more likely to miss school due to fear. ... > full story
Discovery offers molecular insights into link between Parkinson's and pesticides (June 23, 2011) -- Scientists have taken some of the first steps toward unraveling the molecular dysfunction that occurs when proteins are exposed to environmental toxins. Their discovery helps further explain recent findings that demonstrate the link between Parkinson's disease and two particular pesticides -- rotenone and paraquat. ... > full story
Driving a vehicle with one hand (June 23, 2011) -- A new device developed in Spain allows people with reduced mobility or weakness in the upper torso to drive a vehicle using only one hand. ... > full story
Genetic finding offers hope for orphan disease (June 23, 2011) -- New research offers hope for people with a rare disorder called Chuvash polycythemia. ... > full story
The myth of the 'queen bee': Work and sexism (June 23, 2011) -- Female bosses sometimes have a reputation for not being very nice. Some display what's called "queen bee" behavior, distancing themselves from other women and refusing to help other women as they rise through the ranks. Now, a new study concludes that it's wrong to blame the woman for this behavior; instead, blame the sexist environment. ... > full story
Contaminated cocaine triggers decaying, dying skin (June 23, 2011) -- If the obvious reasons for avoiding recreational drug use aren't off-putting enough, physicians have another consequence to add -- crusty, purplish areas of dead skin that are extremely painful and can open the door to nasty infections. The condition is called purpura. Typical causes include some rare disorders, but it is also associated with the use of cocaine. Not just any cocaine, though: physicians believe cocaine contaminated with a de-worming drug is the culprit. ... > full story
New application for iPhone may support monitoring and research on Parkinson's disease (June 23, 2011) -- Researchers have developed a novel iPhone application that may enable persons with Parkinson's disease and certain other neurological conditions to use the ubiquitous devices to collect data on hand and arm tremors and relay the results to medical personnel. ... > full story
Community health worker interventions improve rates of US mammography screening (June 23, 2011) -- Community health worker interventions improve rates of US mammography screening, especially in medical and urban settings and when the worker's race or ethnicity matches that of the women served. ... > full story
Leftover embryonic cells connect gastric reflux and cancer (June 23, 2011) -- The ultimate source of some cancers is embryonic cells. New research traces the precursor of deadly esophageal cancers to leftover embryonic cells found in all adults. ... > full story
Corporal punishment: Mothers' self-recorded audio gives unique real-time view of spanking (June 22, 2011) -- In a new corporal punishment study based on actual audio recordings, mothers spank, slap or hit their young children, sparking crying, tantrums and whimpering. Believed to be the first study of its kind, 37 mothers recorded up to 36 hours of interactions with their children, says the psychologist involved in the study. The data capture the moments before, during and after punishment, which ranged from spanking with a belt to admonishments while hitting. ... > full story
Molecular glue sticks it to cancer (June 22, 2011) -- Researchers have developed a "molecular glue" that sticks cancer-promoting proteins to a cell's membrane -- shutting off a cancer cell's growth. ... > full story
Gold nanoparticles help earlier diagnosis of liver cancer (June 22, 2011) -- Medical researchers have devised a new technique to spot cancerous tumors in the liver as small as 5 millimeters. The technique, using gold nanoparticles, is the first to deploy metal nanoparticles as agents to enhance X-ray scattering of image tumor-like masses. ... > full story
Angioplasty may be feasible for liver transplantation candidates with heart disease (June 22, 2011) -- A small, retrospective study determined that percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was safe in patients with significant coronary artery disease (CAD) who were referred for liver transplantation. Larger studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of angioplasty in patients with end-stage liver disease (ESLD). ... > full story
Powerful, intoxicated, anonymous: The paradox of the disinhibited (June 22, 2011) -- Power can lead to great acts of altruism, but also corruptive, unethical behavior. Being intoxicated can lead to a first date, or a bar brawl. And the mask of anonymity can encourage one individual to let a stranger know they have toilet paper stuck to their shoe, whereas another may post salacious photos online. What is the common thread between these three disparate states? ... > full story
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